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Welcome Australia’s Next Fashion Model

If you are on an Australia working holiday visa trip, you are probably thinking of something to make your vacation more interesting. Since you are allowed to work during your stay, you can actually do just that. And one of the jobs that you can try out is being a fashion model.
More than likely, you will be totally surprised by the suggestion. After all, many people still picture models as being of the elite, rich and famous kind. However, what will probably surprise you even more is that most of these models actually started at the bottom like you. And here’s an even more interesting bit, Australia’s fashion industry is now looking for new faces to shine.
You see, the industry is now shifting from getting the top celebrities in the industry into seeking out fresh new faces. This came after the economic slowdown experienced by the world in the last two years forced publishers to rethink about hiring top stars for modeling services, mainly due to the high prices that these command. Also, many advertisers are now getting more concerned that hiring top celebrities are generating less sales than they used to back when these celebrities where at the start of their careers.
Thus, the fashion industry have begun searching for new faces to pose for the covers. And this has opened the door for many new models to come in. what’s even more exciting about this new happening in Australia’s fashion scene is the fact that this isn’t Hollywood. Thus, models need not be the stereotypical milky white goddesses that they once were. In fact, Asians and blacks are currently the ones making waves in the Australian fashion scene.
One of these models is Miranda Kerr. Kerr is of mixed heritage, having English, French, and Scottish lineages. Kerr was initially your everyday Australian lass. In fact, according to her, she was more interested in motorbikes and horses when she was a kid. However, she nevertheless entered modeling at the age ot thirteen, and is today considered as one of the country’s most popular personalities.
So for those wanting to follow Kerr’s footsteps, there are several ways that you can enter the Australian modeling world. One is through model agencies, which are in fact, quite aplenty in the country. For the top model agencies, you can set your sights on the major cities like Sydney and Perth, as these are where they operate. Some magazines also hire models directly, so you can actually work as a freelancer. And even if you are just on a temporary visa, they will actually be willing to hire you.
So what are you waiting for? Who knows, your Australian vacation might be your ticket to glamour and fame.

May 16, 2010 Posted by | Arts & Entertainment, Celebrities | , , , | Leave a comment